Far-reaching exception handler

The idea is so that forker thread can catch and handle exceptions thrown in the forked (forkee) threads, to provide another control option for structured concurrency.

Đ: {
Đ|  1:   method asyncRisk(n) {
Đ|  2:     defer {
Đ|  3:       ;-1<| 'async defer cleanup #' ++ n
Đ|  4:     }
Đ|  5: 
Đ|  6:     throw '!AsyncFailure#' ++ n
Đ|  7: 
Đ|  8:     ;-1<| 'not a chance to see this'
Đ|  9:   }
Đ| 10: 
Đ| 11:   {
Đ| 12:     for i from range(3) do {
Đ| 13:       go asyncRisk(i)
Đ| 14:     }
Đ| 15:   } $=> {  # this exception handler will be triggered to run
Đ| 16:     # in multiple forked threads (forkees), but its recover
Đ| 17:     # continuation will only run by the thread installed it,
Đ| 18:     # i.e. the forker thread.
Đ| 19:     { exc } -> {
Đ| 20:       ;-1<| 'handling ' ++ exc
Đ| 21:     }
Đ| 22:   }
Đ| 23: 
Đ| 24:   # too obviously, but it could really go wrong with,
Đ| 25:   # a continuation based implementation
Đ| 26:   ;-1<| 'this should run only once by forker thread'
Đ| 27: 
Đ| 28:   for _ from console.everyMillis(10) do { break }
Đ| 29: 
Đ| 30:   ;-1<| 'all done.'
Đ| 31: }
 🐞 ThreadId 3 👉 <console>:26:4 ❗ this should run only once by forker thread
 🐞 ThreadId 20 👉 <console>:20:8 ❗ handling !AsyncFailure#0
 🐞 ThreadId 20 👉 <console>:3:8 ❗ async defer cleanup #0
 🐞 ThreadId 21 👉 <console>:20:8 ❗ handling !AsyncFailure#1
 🐞 ThreadId 21 👉 <console>:3:8 ❗ async defer cleanup #1
 🐞 ThreadId 22 👉 <console>:20:8 ❗ handling !AsyncFailure#2
 🐞 ThreadId 22 👉 <console>:3:8 ❗ async defer cleanup #2
 🐞 ThreadId 3 👉 <console>:30:4 ❗ all done.
Đ: # Note:
Đ: # we use negative log level to trigger debug trace, so thread
Đ: # id is shown as well;
Đ: # and the minus sign (-) will parse as infix subtraction
Đ: # operator if following some expression, so we prefix it with
Đ: # a semicolon (;) to disambiguate;
Đ: # then `;-1<| 'xxx'` reads `trace "xxx"` with extra info